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null Leading with Pride: How can organisations support the LGBTQ+ community?


The month of June is an important one in the Hays calendar, as we join the global Pride celebrations - taking the time to champion the unique contributions of every individual, as well as recognising the steps that we still all must take in order to achieve true equity and inclusion.

Even with considerable progress in social rights, acts of violence against the LGBTQ+ community have continued and the role of corporations has sparked much discussion. Recently, the media has highlighted a noticeable decline in the number of companies that traditionally showed support during Pride month, and the reasons behind this trend.
Like many issues, there isn’t a single definitive truth. However, the outcome remains the same: there’s less backing for the demands led by LGBTQ+ Pride.
It’s likely that numerous organisations are asking the same question: “Is it still recommended to publicly display our support for the LGBTQ+ community?” For us, the answer is a resounding yes - provided that the support is sincere and authentic.
Three years ago, we introduced our guide for the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace across Hays. This detailed guide is testament to our commitment to the inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees, and it has served as a practical reference for numerous internal and external initiatives.
The guide addresses key issues such as the significance of language, the subtleties of discrimination, and the complexities of coming out in a professional setting. These topics remain pertinent today and we strongly encourage everyone to familiarise themselves with these issues to better understand the ongoing struggles and rights that the LGBTQ+ community advocates for each year.
This article will delve into various reasons why a visible corporate stance can make a significant impact.

Five reasons to champion LGBTQ+ diversity in your business 

1. Corporate stance on LGBTQ+ matters and employees know it 

Our Hays team in Spain proudly participate in EMIDIS, an initiative led by Spain’s LGTBI+ State Federation (FELGTBI+) that equips businesses with tools to manage affective-sexual, family, and gender diversity in their workplaces. One of the valuable resources provided by the Federation is the publication “Diversity in Business: LGBT Status” (“Diversidad en las empresas: Estado LGTB”). This document offers a qualitative analysis of the perspectives of LGTBI+ employees on the diversity and inclusion measures implemented in their companies.
The study’s findings are unequivocal. The job satisfaction of an LGBTQ+ employee is intrinsically linked to their perception of their company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. In environments where safety and equality measures are not just stated but actively enforced, job satisfaction increases, thereby fostering talent development.
Support for LGBTQ+ employees may not always be overtly recognised, but even a simple gesture can have a significant impact. This could range from an email expressing support from the organisation to the implementation of comprehensive, inclusive, and equitable policies. The takeaway is clear: every individual, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, deserves to be valued and respected. This is the cornerstone of fostering a truly inclusive workplace.

2. There is still a long road ahead, both locally and globally. 

While some see LGBTQ+ inclusion as a resolved issue, the reality stands in stark contrast. Data reveals a different narrative, underscoring the ongoing struggle for LGBTQ+ rights.
In Spain, FELGTBI+ reported a staggering 57,000 instances of aggression against LGTBI+ individuals since 2019, which equates to an alarming average of over 11,000 incidents per year, a figure that underscores the persistent challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.
On a global scale, the journey towards equality is far from over. Same-sex marriage, a fundamental right, is recognised in just 30 of the 193 United Nations member states. These statistics serve as a sobering reminder that the road to LGBTQ+ inclusion, both locally and globally, is still long and fraught with challenges. It underscores the need for continued advocacy, policy reform , and societal change to champion LGBTQ+ diversity in businesses and beyond.

3. Visibility helps create role models in championing LGBTQ+ diversity 

The alarming data on reported LGBTQ+ phobic aggressions underscore the critical need for businesses to not just acknowledge the equal value of all employees, but to actively champion LGBTQ+ diversity. This can be achieved by supporting events like Pride and clearly articulating the company’s stance on LGBTQ+ inclusion.
Leadership figures play a pivotal role in this journey.
While acceptance should be a core value promoted across all levels of an organisation, the impact is undeniably more profound when it emanates from its core. Leaders who champion LGBTQ+ diversity set a powerful example, cultivating a culture of inclusion and respect. This sends a strong message that every employee, regardless of their identity, has a valued place within the company.

4. Showcasing your company's Pride serves as a message to your current and prospective team 

Organisations may be concerned that their messages appear as repetitive or ‘flat’, having shown support year after year, or simply echoing the broader narrative. While it’s crucial for LGBTQ+ initiatives to be multifaceted, incorporating both internal and external strategies that reflect the organisation’s unique culture and values, it’s equally important to remember why Pride is celebrated annually - the fight for equality is ongoing.
Demonstrating your organisation’s pride and ongoing support for the LGBTQ+ community has a dual impact. It not only fosters a sense of belonging among current team members but also sends a welcoming signal to potential employees. The recurring theme of Pride and inclusion, far from being redundant, serves as a powerful magnet attracting diverse talent who value an inclusive work environment.

5. Navigating the 'Pinkwashing Paradox': authenticity vs silence 

‘Pinkwashing’ is a term that describes the tactic of organisations outwardly supporting the LGBTQ+ community for promotional gains, while failing to take substantial action to truly support this community. This practice has been increasingly spotlighted in recent years, and it’s something organisations must steer clear of. However, adopting a policy of silence to sidestep pinkwashing can be counterproductive. Instead, companies should focus on implementing genuine LGBTQ+ supportive policies and practices. The support and visibility they offer should be balanced and authentic.
Every organisation should operate within its capabilities, but even small gestures of support can make a significant difference. By ensuring authenticity in their support for the LGBTQ+ community, organisations can avoid the pitfalls of pinkwashing and still speak on their core value and beliefs.

Let's lead with Pride, together 

In our dynamic world, the pursuit of equality and inclusion is an ongoing endeavor. Despite strides made, the journey is far from over. Businesses stand at the forefront of this movement, with their support for the LGBTQ+ community having the potential to instigate substantial change. Ultimately, the goal is to foster an environment where every individual, irrespective of their gender identity or sexual orientation, feels valued and respected. This is a goal within the reach of every company.
Let's persist in leading with pride, amplifying our support, and collaborating to cultivate a more inclusive and equitable world. Each step we take, no matter how small, propels us towards a brighter future - a future we can all take pride in.

Find more advice for your organisation: 


Chris Dottie MBE
Regional Managing Director for Southern Europe

A native of Liverpool, Chris joined Hays in 1996, working in the UK and Portugal before arriving in Spain in 2002. As Managing Director for the Hays Group in Spain he led the growth of the company from start-up to 300 consultants across 6 regional locations. In 2022 he was appointed Regional Managing Director for Southern Europe, a subregion that serves customers and changes thousands of lives across Portugal, Italy, and Spain.
He has a degree in International Business and Modern Languages from Aston University, including a year’s study at l’École Supérieure de Sciences Commerciales d’Angers and has since completed executive education courses at Ashridge Business School and IMD. He is a regular public commentator on the world of work and international trade.
Until 2020, Chris served as President of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain and currently serves as Vice Chair of the British Chamber of Commerce and acts as NED of the British Embassy in Spain. Chris was awarded an MBE, Member of the Order of the British Empire, in the 2020 New Year Honours List for services to British business.