Talent Forward: Our vision of a next generation MSP


In 2018 we launched our Talent Forward approach for Managed Service Programs, or MSP, delivery in the Americas
This put the “talent” and those responsible for finding and nurturing them at the heart of our programs, breaking away from the traditional, process-driven “MSP 1.0” services more commonly seen here.
Talent Forward was part of our philosophy to “anticipate and prepare” and to harness three emerging trends.
- Digitization– transformation in routes to market and how services are delivered
- Changes in personal priorities– a change in work life balance and how people want to work
- Changes in business priorities– a move to more agile models driven by both internal and external pressures
The 2019 US Buyers Survey by Staffing Industry Analysts reinforced this focus on talent stating Total Talent as a focus for the next 1-2 years and highlighting Talent Communities which is a core pillar of a Talent Forward strategy.
The events of 2020 have not only accelerated these trends but have also broken down some barriers to change and for some organizations removed the option of remaining with the status quo altogether.
So, what are the driving forces behinds a talent forward approach?
- Talent, in the form of skilled knowledge workers, is an increasingly scarce resource. Talent is also the vital fuel for companies to grow and evolve.
- Organizations need access to the right talent, at the right time and place, for a fair price – regardless of worker classification or source.
- Progressive Managed Services Providers (MSP), like Hays Talent Solutions, serve a vital role as ‘middleware’ between a company and all its non-employee workers.
- The most effective MSP is enabling, not controlling – creating an environment where supplier partners are measured and rewarded on delivering the best talent.
- Organizations who are able to best access and retain talent will gain a distinct competitive advantage in their market.
This differentiates our clients from those leveraging the traditional command and control approach to engaging with the talent market.
A Talent Forward approach creates:
- Supplier partners who are informed, excited, engaged and committed to the success of our clients.
- Open communication and transparent processes, both of which are essential ingredients for a successful program.
- High performing supplier partners, who are encouraged and supported to gain more business.
- An extended talent supply chain that goes beyond traditional staffing firms. In the new world of work there are many alternative sources of talent that can be incorporated into a managed program – this includes SOW resources, and workers who are sourced from online staffing solutions, marketplaces, and direct sourcing channels.
We believe global companies who embrace this unique Talent Forward methodology will gain a ‘client-of-choice’ reputation in the talent marketplace – enabling them to attract and retain all the talent they need, both today, and into the future.
Robert Moffat
Senior Vice President – Global Head of Solutions and Americas Head of Sales, Solutions and Marketing, Hays Talent Solutions
With a 25 year track record of designing, implementing and managing talent services Robert has a wealth of knowledge on the challenges and opportunities facing employers in maintaining a competitive advantage in talent acquisition, engagement and retention.
As Global Head of Solutions Robert is part of the global leadership team responsible for innovation and product development and as Head of Sales, Solutions and Marketing for the Americas he is responsible for growth of the region. Having lived and worked for Hays in Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas he is able to bring a diverse range of thought and experience to the new challenges in the world or work.
He has a passion for new ideas, markets and opportunities and has been instrumental in a number of Hays’ recent global projects including the roll out of a Global Operating Method, Supplier Engagement Strategy, the evolution of our direct sourcing approach and a quick deploy RPO service for start-up and high growth companies.