H-1B Visa
A visa classification that allows a foreign worker to enter the US temporarily for performing services in a “specialty occupation” for a US employer. The H-1B visa classification requires that (1) a foreign national be coming to the US to work temporarily in a “specialty occupation”, (2) that the foreign national have the equivalent of at least a US bachelor’s degree in a field related to that occupation; and (3) that the sponsoring company pay the foreign national the prevailing wage, provide proper notice to its workforce, and not be involved in a strike or lockout. The Neufeld Memo of January 2011 contains a recent update from the State Department regarding H-1B visas and staffing suppliers.
Hiring manager
This term is used to describe the employee who requests a new position to be filled, we use this term rather than engagement manager. The hiring manager is usually the line manager/person that the new worker/hire will report in to.
Human cloud
The Human Cloud enables work arrangements- right through to completion and payment- entirely through a digital/online platform.
HRO - Human Resource Outsourcing
This segment of business process outsourcing where a third-party vendor takes over part or all of an organisation’s human resources function, such as payrolling or compliance. Our workforce solutions could be classified a sub-segment of human resource outsourcing.
An MSP that combines elements of master and neutral vendor, making it most suitable for the full workforce. This is typically defined by geography, function or discipline and based on the capabilities of the provider. Read more about the hybrid model.