Business services provided for a client at the service provider’s location, not at the client premises.
This is process of separating a worker from an organisation, typically in the context of a contingent worker at the close of an assignment. This may include final compensation, knowledge sharing, equipment returns and an exit interview. We use it as all one word, offboarding not off boarding or off-boarding.
This is when activities are delivered in a different country, usually via a third party.
When outsourced services provided to the client via supplier personnel located at the client site. Sometimes also referred to as in-house work.
The process of bringing a worker into a position with a goal of providing all necessary tools to be productive as soon as possible. Onboarding can apply to permanent hires as well as contingent workers, and it covers more than just induction training but the full process of getting someone ready to work compliantly.
Online staffing platform
These enable organisations and workers to enter into, complete and transact work arrangements virtually.
Online work services
This is a platform that enables the delivery of certain services (for example copywriting or a taxi service) by a group of workers that are managed by the platform provider. The user is purchasing an outcome as a service not an employer/worker relationship.
This is a service we can provide for an organisation to guide their terminated employees, this may include career advice/counselling and support services.