IC – Independent Contractor
A self-employed individual performing services for a company under contract. Services are often provided through a single-person corporate entity (in the UK known as a personal service company or ‘PSC’ contractor, in the United States they may be called a 1099 worker.) Unlike employees, independent contractors are free to perform their work as they see fit, with limited or no control over the way the work is performed. Tax authorities in many countries use the concept of ‘control’ in respect of behavior, together with financial autonomy and a range of other tests to determine the true nature of the relationship between the parties for tax liability purposes. These IC Compliance Evaluation tests vary by country but follow broadly similar principles.
This legally makes the staffing agency responsible for various potential legal claims involving workers.
ISC - International Sourcing Centre
Internal Hays offices containing teams that provide one or more stages of the recruitment lifecycle across national or regional boundaries to deliver labour arbitrage against in-country resource. They will also provide services in the countries in which they are based.
This is a UK legislation designed to combat tax avoidance by workers and companies where the worker would usually be an employee if the intermediary supplying the service was not used. It already applied to the public sector since 2016 and will be extended to the private sector in April 2021.